Flash backThe story starts with a flash back sequence, taking place approximately 72hours before the main narrative.
The main character has a shady meeting with three black suited men hiding in the shadows of an old abandoned church.
The main character hands over a small object containing a computer program he has written. In turn, one of the three figures hands over a small brown envelope.
Main NarrativeThe main character is stood in a tailors, trying on a new suit he had ordered the previous week.
He walks out and heads down the street to a back alley shop selling second hand computer hardware to pick up an old, custom built lap top (a mac book air) his friend has put together for him.
Leaving the shop he heads towards a local shopping centre.
As he walks in the front door, he steps on to an escalator. At the same time, he hears a distant noise, almost like an explosion. While others seem to stop and wonder what it was and were it had come from, he checks his watch and continues on as normal.
He passes various shops and advertisements as he walks through the centre.
He walks to a small coffee shop and orders a large cup of tea, and sits down on a bench and opens up his newly purchased laptop.
As he sits and works, he notices that a small crowd has gathered around an electrical shop window filled with various TV displays, and another a few shops down. He also notices that other people seem very concerned and nervous about something, showing each other there news papers and some same to be in a hurry to leave the shopping centre.
But he ignores what is going on around him and continues to work on his computer.
About an hour goes by before he is approached by a man, flanked by another half dozen people slowly making a semi circle at a distance around him. All of which have their hands hovering over weapons.
The man asks the main character to stop what he is doing. (he is accused of hacking the city’s control hub and also accused of hacking into the main computer system of aerospace industry and causing a head on collision of two aircraft over central London.)
The main character closes his lap top and offers the man a seat. After a cryptic convocation, the man is told that the bench has a small explosive device under it and if he tries to get up it will go off. The main character uses this to manufacture his escape.
Now on the run, he jogs down several streets before ducking into a side alley to catch his breath and collect himself. He is then cornered by one of the black suited men he had encounters days earlier. The man accuses him of trying to fool him by selling him a faulty computer program as he pulls a gun out. They have an altercation and the main character over powers him and takes the gun. The altercation has drawn unwanted attention so he moves on.
Trying to find a new place of which to finish his work, the man who approached him in the coffee shop catches up to him. (After finding the bomb was just a bag of flower) They both pull their guns on each other, and after another short cryptic convocation, the main character is taken into custody.
Waking up secured to a chair in an intermigration room he if forced to tell them everything.
How he was approached by a group of people to write a program that will hack the city’s infrastructure as well as the airlines. How he deliberately wrote a program that would make them believe that the two aircraft where passenger planes when actually fact they where unmanned cargo planes. And how the only reason he was caught hacking the city’s network was to implant a virus that would block them from gaining access to not only London but city’s linked to it and if they didn’t let him finish his work they would be able to gain access.
After convincing them, he his raced to the main servers to upload the final part of his virus. However he locks himself in for his own malicious intent.
It is then that the people who captured him realise that the two planes that collided where full of propaganda reading material from him that the explosion had showered over London. Propaganda that voiced his hatred for technology and how would prove how fragile societies dependence on it has become.
However it is too late for them to do anything. He used his obsolete computer, which houses an ancient computer virus. The city’s modern networks no longer have a defence against such an ancient piece of programming. The virus attacks the ancient base layer of the city’s operating system that would have been written around the same time. Like any kind of architecture, be it build from masonry or computer code, without its foundations, they begin to collapse.