Sunday, 2 December 2007

Program Of Study

My Latest Program of Study

Title:- The conventions of new technologies: An exploration into how new technologies will change the way we live and how the conventions generated by these new technologies will influence not only the technology itself but the culture that created and interacts with it.

Description of Research:- A detailed look into the history of technology and how it can change a society and what kind of changes these can include.

This research will entail looking at the evolution of technology and how this evolution can be effected by society. In addition, looking at societies effects in a wider context including economic, political and globalisation.

Finally, I will then look at some of the new technologies and trends emerging today and use some strategic foresight to track their evolution into the near future, backed up by research into futurology and other mediums of prediction like science fiction for example. And more over, how these mediums present their visions. (e.g. reports, papers, comics, novels, TV & Film etc)

Aims:- Have a better contextual understanding about the role of technology throughout history.

Apply said contextually knowledge to the formation of a realistic vision of the future.

Finally, present my informed vision of the future in an appropriate format.

Methods:- I will write up a series of conclusions and findings which I will continually update and post on my blog which can then be collated into a final report.

From the conclusions drawn from my initial research, I will start to formulate a series of accurate ideas / predictions for the future which again will be posted on my blog. I will then finally use my ideas and predictions to back up the final phase of my project

For the final phase of my project, I will create a narrative which best depicts an accurate vision of the future backed up by my research. I will then design a series of images to accompany the narrative and combine them both into a graphic novel, both printed and digital.

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