Wednesday, 30 January 2008

The two main protagonist of Narrative 3: (the back story)

The main protagonist of the story is actually an amalgamation of two characters. The first was once a well respected computer scientist on the forefront of modern computer technology, but after he had a nervous breakdown, he turned to drugs. It wasn’t long before he discovered underground Personality Augmentation or P.A. for short. Using a proverbial cocktail of mental conditioning, advanced hypnosis and a series of neural suppressing drugs, a second personality could be constructed. In a world where it had long since become common to have multiple identities, the procedure had become a popular underground procedure because it gave people a chance to not just live out their ‘second lives’, but to become them.

But it wasn’t long before he ran out of money so he never got to complete the procedure; as a result his mental condition has become highly unstable. Now living on the street, his mind now plays host to two personalities. The first, a former shell of a once well respected computer scientists, who has grown to hate the culture and society that drove him to live on the street. The other is an incomplete version of the personality, the construction of which was never completed; as a result it has developed un-checked.

This potentially dangerous alter ego harbours utter contempt toward the government and negligent authority figures and is bitter toward the uninvolved public who give the authority its power. But unlike the first personality, who, while angry with the world, would never do anything about it. However the second personality would love nothing better to be proactive about it, in fact, he thinks of nothing else. He regards himself as the new Unabomber for the 21st century and intends to write his own manifesto, and implement it.

Both personalities are incarnations of the same identity. The two personalities represent two apparently disparate, but ultimately inseparable elements of human nature, known as hyperarousal, an acute stress response more commonly known as fight or flight. However the two personalities have begun to compete for sole occupation of his brain. However both are inexpiably intertwined, and neither can exist without the other, but the expulsion of one would ultimately lead to his destruction and visa versa.

However it is obviously his alter ego which is the main protagonist in terms of a story line. His mental condition is highly unstable and changes on a day to day basis and he has no true personality of his own. He creates himself each day to cope with the chaotic flow of modern urban life. He seems to have no control over the sensory information he's receiving from the outside world. He can only cope with the chaotic barrage of input by going with the flow. As a result, he has days when he his fairly mellow and enjoys the fruits of life, entertaining himself with drink, drugs and women, but other days he seems to become enraged by society and government and it is the latter when he is the most dangerous.

His psychosis is matched only by his own ego and he regards everything he thinks, says or does is a work of art and pure genius.

One of the main character plots will be the dilemma of the main character who simultaneously assumes two identities and often loses track of reality.

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